Mayor's Corner
Mayor’s Corner by Greg “Porp” Rogers
In the news, we hear about the salt shortage. This more pertains to individuals, we have enough salt to get through this winter to keep the roads safe. We will only continue to salt Main St. As I have stated in the past the clearing of sidewalks is the responsibility of the home owner, however we do plow to the best of our ability as a courtesy and service to the community.
Last week we experienced 10 water main breaks throughout the village. This was due to the Monroe County Water Authority putting a new water tower on line in Pavilion, coupled with a very old infrastructure here. This action was only to service us better, its unfortunate that this happened, but if you experienced damage from one of these breaks, please contact them.
Along with road damage that occurred last week, this harsh winter has done a job on our roads and streets. It is foolish to try to patch these pot holes at this time and temperatures, however we will put a spring plan into place to fix them as soon as it makes sense. Years ago, we invested in a patching hot box which allows us to put in warm patch instead of cold patch the adheres better and last longer and you get a smother finish. Please remember Rt 5 & 19 are state highways and their responsibility.
Last call for applications to fill the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer position, you must be a resident of the village. We will be looking for both full-time and part-time options. Please stop by the Village Hall @ 3 West Main St.
Our meeting schedule for next week is the Village Board monthly meeting on Wednesday the 19th at 7:00 pm and our Comprehensive Plan meeting on Thursday the 20th @ 6:00 pm both at the Village Hall.
“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”
Abraham Lincoln, 15th President.
I actually believed my grandfather Sam Whalen made this up.